Future Cities

Cooperation with Trickmisch, Karlsgarten Primary and Hans-Fallada Primary


In the “Future Cities” exchange project by Trickmisch in cooperation with the Floating University, two school classes are invited to work on the subject of water and how we could integrate this valuable ressource in our daily life in the future. We introduce the topic “City of the Future” and talk about how important water is for our life in the city. Together we explore the experimental laboratory in the rainwater retention basin of the Tempelhofer Feld. The observations and experiences in the pool inspire the students to tell their stories about the future. They draw, animate and create sound for their films.
Within a three (Karlsgarten School) and four (Hans-Fallada-School) days, 13 films are made that deal with the subject of the Future Cities. Have fun watching!
On August 23, we presented all thirteen films that were made as part of our exchange project in Urban Forest at the Floating University.

Funded by Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung – Fachbereich Kultur von Neukölln

Animation clips created in the project “Future-Cities”

The green school

The floating class-room

Project bus-stop

City of the future

More animation-clips from students in Karlsgarten School here.

More animation-clips from students in Hans-Fallada School here.