
Floating University is a nature-culture learning site. We host, co-produce, support and welcome activities organised by others.

For inquires, please send an email to:


  • Activities should be in tune with the Floating University spirit and values – a place to learn to engage, to embrace the complexity and navigate the entanglements of the world, to imagine and create different forms of living. We do not rent Floating as an event venue, a wedding hall, a backdrop scenario or for solely commercial purposes.
  • Participation from others in the proposed activities – association members and general public – is encouraged so that a mixture of people and a transfer of knowledge happens. The site runs with an “open door policy” and the idea that activities can co-inhabit the basin.
  • Activities bring in content but also expand the network. We are interested in the production of knowledge and in forming long-lasting bonds with people and organisations.
  • Activities should be able to navigate the site and run their programmes rather independently – with our support, but not expecting the association to deliver a role of “service providers”. We are not a museum!
  • The use of any images of the Floating site should be communicated in consultation with the Floating e.V.
  • Floating University is not supposed to be used for marketing campaigns and as an image for advertisement. Funders and other cooperation partners should be informed about it beforehand.
  • Activities should respect the nature of the site: a fragile ecosystem where diverse species co-exist. In the basin you can find anything from foxes to bees, ducks, algae and sometimes humans. We are surrounded by a Gartenkolonie, a community of small gardens which is an Erholungsort (a place for rest and restoration in nature).