Floating Thursdays (2019-2020)

Floating Thursday June 2020
Soundance Sketch

Jasminka Stenz – dance/choreography, Gábor Hartyáni – cello/composition

A dancer and a cellist will create an artistic sketch together through site-specific exploration in a garden colony with a rainwater retention basin. The sound-performative encounter with site-specific choreography will forge a visual-audio path – live and digitally adapted.

This site-specific performance within the Floating Thursday is the conclusion of the residency cooperation between soundance festival berlin, Floating e.V. and the Kolonie am Flughafen e.V.

Thu, 04.06.2020, start 19:00
Place: digital/ online: soundance-festival.de (update end of May)
Check the Event on Facebook

SOUNDANCE Festival 2020 is a project by b.arts.u – berlin arts united g UG in coproduction with DOCK ART
17. – 27.06.2020 DOCK11, Berlin
SOUNDANCE Festival 2020 is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europea


Performances by The Institute for Unforeseen Collaboration
The Floating University and the “Institute for Unforeseen Collaboration” are university concepts within the 100 years Bauhaus celebration. The “Institute for Unforeseen Collaboration“ sees itself immodestly as successor to Bauhaus, Black Mountain Collage, HFG Ulm or the Institut de l’environnement.

Here, transcultural exchange plays the decisive role. Involved are performers from Mexico, Europe and the Ivory Coast. The Institute is about interdisciplinary work between theater, performance, fine art, architecture, design and graphics.

The pavilion is a completely open, mobile theater that allows a daily updated program. It travels from city to city (Hamburg, Münster, Düsseldorf, Weimar, Berlin), and its function as a low-threshold theater is checked at various places in the urban realm.

Making like a Forest
Illustrated talk followed by sharing and conversation by Xin Cheng

What if, we look at our surroundings, in the same way forest dwellers relate with their environment? What crevices and niches, unknown pleasures, material traces of activities might we discover? What local know-how and peculiar stories would unfold?

1+1 (Eins Plus Eins) 

This time we invite for different but unique artistic approaches – all of the performative field – that deal with the fragile space of two (bodies, people, strangers) within the complex frame of the everyday urban life of Berlin, Sao Paolo, Shanghai und Mumbai.

with Arantxa Martinez/Sabine Zahn

A physical – investigative practice session, exploring possibilities of movement between ones and a another agenda in terms of sharing space. only with prior reservation.


Together Apart 
a lecture performance by plan b

plan b are the British artists Sophia New and Dan Belasco Rogers who have lived in Berlin since 2001. Over a decade ago they decided to record every single movement they make outside, every day, with a GPS, a practice they continue to the present. As a result, they can also trace the times when they have been together and apart, the starting – point for a work investigating the ghosts of past proximity and separation. In this performative lecture, especially adapted for the Floating University, they present some thoughts and reflections on data, memory, daily practice, intimacy, physicality, distance and sharing space and time. www.planbperformance.net

The Visitor 
a Film by Katarina Schröter

“The visitor”, a silent figure incorporated by the filmmaker, roams through three Mega-cities, creating wordless encounters with random people, following a dramaturgy of chance both with the choice of the protagonist as with the outcome of each story. First simply attendant, she becomes an intruder, friend and even beloved one who shares the whole daily life of her protagonists, their sleeping places and worries. “The visitor” has been created entirely through un-staged improvisations with random encounters on the streets of Mumbai, Shanghai and Sao Paulo.



Floating is launching its book “Floating University 2018 – an illustrated report” into the mud sphere!
Followed by a concert by K-Gruppe – Rico Lee, Eduard Mont de Palol, Aaron Snyder, Nicholas Bussman!

THURSDAY, JULY 4th, 2019

We cordially invite everyone to our next Floating Thursday to spend a nice afternoon at the pool and grill together with neighbours and local initiatives.

Circus Cabuwazi will introduce itself, report about its manifold social program and delight us with tricks and cabaret.

Showing of the video album “My Body – My City” 

A video album of young people and their movements in relation to the city they live in. Together with all participants, we set out in search of what moves us and the question of how it can be translated into movement. The project is a collaboration of professional artists* and young dancers* of all levels between 8 and 24 years.

THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 2019

Lieber auf dem Damm, wie unter der Brücke
16:00-19:00 Open Workshop:

Vagabundenkongress 2020 laden als Sondergäste der Floating University ein zum Workshop der Collage. Bringt Materialien z.B. Zeitschriften, Überbleibsel von Vorlagen oder Archivgut mit zum Kleben & Gestalten vom EINLADUNGsPLAKAT zum Kongress, oder Seiten für eine Ausgabe des nächsten Vagazine. Das Workshop ist offen für alle Altersklassen, Kinder und Jugendliche sind gerne eingeladen!
Der Vagabundenkongress 2020 ist ein Projekt von Unter Druck – Kultur von der Straße e.V.
Wir sind ein Scharnier zwischen dem Wohnungslosentreffpunkt Unter Druck und der Czentri Fuga am Ostkreuz und wollen Leute zusammenbringen, die losgehen ohne ankommen zu wollen. Mehr Infos unter Vaga2020.de

Questions and Statements
14:00-19:00 Open Workshop
with Roman Karrer

The workshop aims to collect statements and questions that are floating around in local and global and personal scales.
How can we materialise language? How can we reduce complex informations and feelings on a limited space with limited tools?
How can poetry and formal restrictions help us to get one collective voice? We will use full stops, we will use question marks.
You’re invited to bring any kind of material that we can use as support for the messages as paper, journals, posters, textiles etc.
The workshop is open to all ages. Children are welcome!

Ohne festen Wohnsitz
19:30-20:30 Diskussionsrunde
Gäste: Unter Druck – Kultur von der Straße e.V. und strassenfeger e.V.

Theater unter Druck
20:45-21:15 Performance

Die Theatergruppe bei Unter Druck steht allen interessierten Menschen offen. Das gemeinsame Spiel auf der Bühne wie die dazugehörende gemeinsame Arbeit auf den Proben integrieren Menschen, die die Gesellschaft an den Rand geworfen hat, ein Stück in die Gemeinschaft ein. Theater stellt an wohnungslosen Menschen wegen der notwendigen Disziplin auf den Proben hohe Anforderungen. Ist aber diese Hürde überwunden, dann überwiegen Spaß und Freude am gemeinsamen Spiel.