Kids Uni 2022

wirbeide machen mobiles

October 25th + 26th, 2 – 5 pm

wirbeide create mobilés with you!

Mobilés are things that float in the air. Things are hanging down and they spin.

Mobilés can be many things: Cosy swinging creatures, twitching monsters and wonderful party decorations. Everything clings together, but each piece is also on its own. wirbeide and you will go on a discovery tour for things in the floating, knot everything together and hang it up.

wirbeide are Lena Düspohl and Emilia Schlosser

Age 6 and older. Registration: kids(at)

Only hear you can be here

a performative urban research project

Performances were 30.06.2022 & 01.07.2022

The rainwater retention basin in Kreuzberg is beautiful and ugly at the same time. Here, frogs and ducks live in the polluted water, plants take root in thin layers of soil, and people at the Floating University research how plants, animals and people can share a better life in the future city. If this place disappears because apartments or sports fields are more important for Berlin, what will we take with us? Artists* and students came together and developed performative methods to explore the urban space in and around the water basin, observing through magic glasses, listening with whirring clotheslines, and tracking down hidden signs and stories. “ONLY HERE!” shows our experiences and feelings. We tell stories about ourselves and our possibilities in and with the city in an interactive course.

With: Joanna Ackva, Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux, Simon Bauer, Lena Düspohl, Jade Dreyfuss, Anja Fiedler, Fanny Frohnmeyer, Ute Lindenbeck, Lea Martini, Franziska Seeberg, Hans Unstern, Students of Karlsgarten Primary, Carl-von-Ossietzky Common School und the Floating Kids

„ONLY HERE!“ is a TUSCH Co-production in cooperation with Floating University Berlin, supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR, supported by Kostümkollektiv e. V.
TUSCH Berlin is a project of JugendKulturService gGmbH.

Photos by Constanze Flamme


Floating Bau Sport

Kooperation Floating Kids + TU Dortmund

In cooperation with students from TU Dortmund and artist Martin Kaltwasser the Floating Kids invented new sports equipment. Now we have a sports parcours that is can be used during several events and construction can be continued.

Funded by “Multisectional Funding for festivals and series (2 years)” Senatsverwaltung Kultur und Europa