Kids Uni

Floating Kidsuni is the programme for young explorers in the rainwater retention basin of Tempelhofer Feld. Kidsuni is a practical, ambitious and crazy laboratory, which is stubborn, playful, deep, forgetful, improvised, concentrated, serious and light-footed at the same time, and which has made it its task to enable children to do, research, enable and reflect on the city, art and space.

The public is invited to special moments. Findings or processes are documented so that they are visible and perceptible beyond the moment, stimulating and drawing attention. The aim of the Floating Kids is to manifest the engagement of children in artistic-urbanistic fields of action on an ongoing basis in Floating e.V. and in the wider discourse on urban practice.

Artists: Stefanie Argow, Simon Bauer, Alina Biriukova, James Bromley, Jade Dreyfuss, Lena Düspohl, Constanze Flamme, Benjamin Frick, Inci Güler, Martin Kaltwasser, Martina Kolarek, Olya Korsun, Felicitas Mangan, Lea Martini, Maternal Fantasies, Eva Meyer-Keller, Nicole Schuck, Maddalena Pornaro, Joshua Rutter, Franziska Seeberg, Sophia Tabatadze, Hans Unstern, Hannah Lu Verse, Hendrik Weiner, Sabine Zahn

Kids Uni Newsletter

Stay up to date on current events with the Kidsuni newsletter!

No more workshop-offers and project-days for this year 2024!

We regret to inform you that our funding and donations have come to an end, so we are unable to offer any further workshops or project days this year. However, you can come along for a guided tour of the site (approx. 1 – 2 hours), which will give you an insight into our work, and you can also stay on the site. We suggest a minimum donation of €50 for the tour.

Past workshops in Floating Kidsuni

Message in a bottle

news from the flood basin

Message in a bottle – News from the flood basin
Workshop June 22 + 23, 2 – 5 pm

What story does a leaf from the reeds of the Floating University tell? How does the plastic bottle that floated to us via the Columbiadamm move us? In the FLASCHENPOST project, we discover stories together about the things and creatures in the rainwater retention basin that we send out into the world. On June 22 and 23, we invite people between the ages of 6 and 12 to collect existing stories about things and creatures in Floating University and to invent new legends. We will transform our finds into theatre games and rituals.

With Lena Düspohl and Jade Dreyfuss

Floating Kidsuni / FLASCHENPOST
Workshop (from 6 years)
June 22 + 23, 2 – 5 pm


Permanent offer for kindergardens, schoolclasses and other groups


One day workshop on the topic of water

Week-Days with registration
9am – 1pm

We are offering a project day on the topic of water for primary schools and kindergardens in Berlin. We are targeting multilingual groups of students, and want to welcome diverse groups as the performative and activist approach of the WaterkostBar enables translingual experiences and insights.

We invite you to become part of Floating University‘s WasserkostBar. Floating University is located in a rainwater retention basin. Find out what it is a “sponge city” and why Berlin wants to become one. We’ll also take a look at where our water comes from, where water is found and what we put into it and why. We will find, drink and eat different water mixes together and once you have become water experts, you will make your own drinks for the WasserkostBar and for our water library.
These can be delicious, thought-provoking, shocking and funny. Let us surprise you!

The WasserkostBar is supported by Berliner Wasserbetriebe.

Workshop for schools (grade 1 – 6) = 4 -4.5 hours
Workshop for kindergardens (from age 3) = 2,5 hours, with the possibility to spend more time on site

Archive of Floating Kidsuni

KidsUni 2024

KidsUni 2023

KidsUni 2022

KidsUni 2021

KidsUni 2020

KidsUni 2019

KidsUni 2018


Kids uni is and or was funded by "Kultur macht stark" (Bündnisse für Bildung), Berliner Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung, Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Draussenstadt