Calendar 2025
Past events of 2024
Aktivierungen des Spore Hauses für alle Generationen 13. April 2024
Kostenlosfür Kinder und Erwachsene
Nah am Wasser ist ein generationenübergreifendes Projekt, das sich ein Jahr lang mit der Spree als Lebensraum, „Ressource“, Symbol und Kraft auseinandersetzt. Über die Grenzen von Alter, Sprache, Fähigkeiten und Herkunft hinweg möchte Nah am Wasser das Spore Studio mit verschiedenen Gruppen in eine Plattform für Solidarität und kulturelle Produktion verwandeln.
Für die Zusammenarbeit mit der Floating KidsUni verbündet sich Nah am Wasser mit der Ausstellung Wasserspiegel – Water Bodies, um junge und alte Generationen an der Wasserkostbar zusammenzubringen. Wassergeschichten lassen uns eintauchen in die Interessen und das Wissen aller Beteiligten und stärken unser Bewusstsein für das Wasser, das uns alle umgibt.
12:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Nah am Wasser
Durch Erzählen, Malen, Zeichnen, Schreiben wollen wir erkunden, was Nah am Wasser sein könnte und gemeinsam einen Raum zum Spielen und Lernen schaffen.
14:00 – 17.00 Uhr
Zusammen mit der Floating Kidsuni schauen wir, woher unser Wasser kommt, wo überall Wasser drinsteckt und was wir alles warum ins Wasser rein tun. Wir finden, trinken, essen gemeinsam verschiedene Wasser-Mixe und nachdem ihr Wasser-Expert*innen geworden seid, stellt ihr selbst Drinks für die WasserkostBar und für unsere Wasserbiliothek her. Diese können lecker, nachdenklich, schockierend und lustig sein. Lasst Euch überraschen!
Floating Kidsuni
Floating Kidsuni ist das Programm für junge Entdecker*innen im Regenrückhaltebecken des Tempelhofer Feldes. Kidsuni ist ein praktisches, ambitioniertes und verrücktes Labor, das stur, verspielt, tiefgründig, vergesslich, improvisiert, konzentriert, seriös und leichtfüßig zugleich ist und es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Kindern das Tun, Forschen, und Reflektieren zu Stadt, Kunst und Raum zu ermöglichen.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
STARTS NOW: every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you!
(In English and German)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
With the support of the basic funding Senat Berlin.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
STARTS NOW: every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you!
(In English and German)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
With the support of the basic funding Senat Berlin.
Sowing Celebration and Feast
Friday 17 May
4-7 pm
Floating Gardens celebrate Beltane, the height of spring, honouring the changing seasons and the cycles in which we are immersed. It is time to commemorate the last frost and start sowing! Floating Gardens invite beginners and experienced gardeners to practise botany together in Floating University, learning about the ecosystem of the rainwater retention basin, sowing and celebrating. During several hands-on sowing stations, the participants can explore the plant species growing on site and share their knowledge about seeds and sowing.
Organised by Floating Gardens
No registration needed, contact for questions :
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
STARTS NOW: every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you!
(In English and German)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
With the support of the basic funding Senat Berlin.
Während Elon Musk zum Mars strebt, um dort bis 2050 eine Kolonie für eine Million Milliardär*innen zu erschaffen, stellt sich das Theaterkollektiv andcompany&Co. der Marslandschaft, die wir Menschen durch den Klimawandel längst selbst kreiert haben: Welcome to „Mars On Earth“, dem Science-Fiction-Happening auf der Suche nach planetarischen Visionen einer irdischen Zukunft. Eine Produktion von andcompany&Co. Dauer ca. 90min.
While Elon Musk has his sights set on Mars to create a colony for a million billionaires by 2050, the theatre collective andcompany&Co. are confronting the Martian landscape that we humans have already created ourselves through climate change: Welcome to “MarsOnEarth”, the science fiction happening in search for planetary visions of an earthly future. A production by andcompany&Co. Approx. 90min.
Während Elon Musk zum Mars strebt, um dort bis 2050 eine Kolonie für eine Million Milliardär*innen zu erschaffen, stellt sich das Theaterkollektiv andcompany&Co. der Marslandschaft, die wir Menschen durch den Klimawandel längst selbst kreiert haben: Welcome to „Mars On Earth“, dem Science-Fiction-Happening auf der Suche nach planetarischen Visionen einer irdischen Zukunft. Eine Produktion von andcompany&Co. Dauer ca. 90min.
While Elon Musk has his sights set on Mars to create a colony for a million billionaires by 2050, the theatre collective andcompany&Co. are confronting the Martian landscape that we humans have already created ourselves through climate change: Welcome to “MarsOnEarth”, the science fiction happening in search for planetary visions of an earthly future. A production by andcompany&Co. Approx. 90min.
Während Elon Musk zum Mars strebt, um dort bis 2050 eine Kolonie für eine Million Milliardär*innen zu erschaffen, stellt sich das Theaterkollektiv andcompany&Co. der Marslandschaft, die wir Menschen durch den Klimawandel längst selbst kreiert haben: Welcome to „Mars On Earth“, dem Science-Fiction-Happening auf der Suche nach planetarischen Visionen einer irdischen Zukunft. Eine Produktion von andcompany&Co. Dauer ca. 90min.
While Elon Musk has his sights set on Mars to create a colony for a million billionaires by 2050, the theatre collective andcompany&Co. are confronting the Martian landscape that we humans have already created ourselves through climate change: Welcome to “MarsOnEarth”, the science fiction happening in search for planetary visions of an earthly future. A production by andcompany&Co. Approx. 90min.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
STARTS NOW: every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you!
(In English and German)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
With the support of the basic funding Senat Berlin.
Während Elon Musk zum Mars strebt, um dort bis 2050 eine Kolonie für eine Million Milliardär*innen zu erschaffen, stellt sich das Theaterkollektiv andcompany&Co. der Marslandschaft, die wir Menschen durch den Klimawandel längst selbst kreiert haben: Welcome to „Mars On Earth“, dem Science-Fiction-Happening auf der Suche nach planetarischen Visionen einer irdischen Zukunft. Eine Produktion von andcompany&Co. Dauer ca. 90min.
While Elon Musk has his sights set on Mars to create a colony for a million billionaires by 2050, the theatre collective andcompany&Co. are confronting the Martian landscape that we humans have already created ourselves through climate change: Welcome to “MarsOnEarth”, the science fiction happening in search for planetary visions of an earthly future. A production by andcompany&Co. Approx. 90min.
The intervention is about informal/interstitial agriculture, able to bypass the mainstream food chain but also to question power-structures and given identities such as the national ones. By their nature, seeds cannot be possessed, they can only be exchanged and constantly regenerated.
The Sprouting House is part of Semenzaio, a research project supported by the Italian Council (2023).
Werde Teil vom anarchischen Garten : Feier, Rituale, Versammlung, speziesübergreifend, Abendessen, Kompost, Frösche, cadavre-exquis, Symbiose, Kostüme, Schminke, pluie, chaotische Marmelade, Pilze sehen, Becken, Arroser, Spaziergänge, Telepathie…
Mehr infos wird im Mai auf Instagram gegeben!
Be part of Anarchic garden : celebration, rituals, gathering, inter-specie, dinner, compost, frogs, cadavre-exquis, symbiosis, costumes, make up, pluie, chaotic jam, seeing mushrooms, basin, arroser, walks, telepathy…
More to be announced in May on our instagram!
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
19:00-21:00 @Zabriskie Bookstore – Reichenberger Str. 150, 10999 Berlin
Robida x Zabriskie. Ein Gespräch über Böden und Ränder.
Mit Robida, Zabriskie, Marianna Dobkowska, Rosario Talevi im Rahmen von Konteksty – Postartistic Congress.
Konteksty (Postartistic Congress) am Floating University in Berlin ist eine Versammlung von postkünstlerischen Praktikern und ein öffentliches Programm.
Robida x Zabriskie. A conversation about Soils and Margins.
With Robida, Zabriskie, Marianna Dobkowska, Rosario Talevi as part of Konteksty – Postartistic Congress.
Konteksty (Postartistic Congress) at Floating University in Berlin is an assembly of postartistic practitioners and a public programme.
Konteksty (postartistic congress) am Floating University in Berlin ist eine Versammlung postkünstlerischer Praktiker – Menschen, die nicht unterscheiden, was Kunst ist und was nicht, sondern erforschen, was man heute mit Kunst machen kann – und ein öffentliches Programm, das aus den von den Teilnehmern angebotenen Aktivitäten hervorgeht und aus Vorträgen, Vorführungen, Performances, Workshops, Lese- und Hörsitzungen besteht.
Konteksty (postartistic congress) at Floating University in Berlin is an assembly of postartistic practitioners – people, who instead of distinguishing between what art is and is not, explore what can be done with art today – and a public programme that emerges from the activities offered by the participants, consisting of lectures, screenings, performances, workshops, reading and listening sessions.
Konteksty (postartistic congress) am Floating University in Berlin ist eine Versammlung postkünstlerischer Praktiker – Menschen, die nicht unterscheiden, was Kunst ist und was nicht, sondern erforschen, was man heute mit Kunst machen kann – und ein öffentliches Programm, das aus den von den Teilnehmern angebotenen Aktivitäten hervorgeht und aus Vorträgen, Vorführungen, Performances, Workshops, Lese- und Hörsitzungen besteht.
Konteksty (postartistic congress) at Floating University in Berlin is an assembly of postartistic practitioners – people, who instead of distinguishing between what art is and is not, explore what can be done with art today – and a public programme that emerges from the activities offered by the participants, consisting of lectures, screenings, performances, workshops, reading and listening sessions.
12:00-14:00 @Tempelhofer Feld (exact location tba)
CentrumCentrum schließt Konteksty mit dem Spiel Game on the Morel’s Hill.
Konteksty (Postartistic Congress) am Floating University in Berlin ist eine Versammlung von postkünstlerischen Praktikern und ein öffentliches Programm.
CentrumCentrum closes Konteksty with Game on the Morel’s Hill.
Konteksty (Postartistic Congress) at Floating University in Berlin is an assembly of postartistic practitioners and a public programme.
Sunday 9th of June,
Dear Reeders and Floating Friends,We are pleased to invite you to the launch of the Second Issue of The Reeder, the Floating University Community Newspaper.
This second issue weaves together Myths of Floating’s foundation, tales of our ongoing presence on site and speculative legends of the possible futures ahead of us. It is partially true, equally fictional and deliberately incomplete.
We will present the edition, have some extracts read, and share drinks and other legends.We will read about the discovery of a forgotten water infrastructure and it’s re-appropriation (The Odyssey), fields notes about moss companions, hydro-poetry, an arduous quest in search of a sacred fig tree, site-specific cross words, wintery barbecue recipes, a phenological calendar, and voices and impressions from other urban and riparian spaces of resistance across seas in Brazil and Dakha among others !
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
2 – 10 pm
Floating University Berlin invites you to the reed zone: frog fans, duck counters and rainwater worshippers meet for a day of diverse fan culture. We want to talk about football and frogs, but that’s not all: we’ll set up new floating fan clubs and design fanzines, print T-shirts and knit the longest FC* floating scarf together. Local sporting celebrities report at the “Stammtisch” that the Tempelhofer Feld has always been – and should remain – a sports zone. At dusk, we sing fan anthems as a duet with the frogs in a karaoke competition.
2 – 6 pm Hands-on Fan workshops
Design your own fantastic T-Shirt
Create a unique basecap with fan-embroidery
Be part of the fan-knitting community and create the longest Floating Fan Scarf
4 – 6 pm Founding of new Floating Fan-Clubs
Are you a fan of the frogs or the ducks? How to protect the valuable reed belt? Found new legendary Floating Fan-Clubs and advertise for new members in your unique fanzine.
6 – 7 pm Fan-letters
Write a letter to witness your fandome
7 pm Floating STAMMTISCH
Did you know that the oldest Berlin football team used Tempelhofer Field for their first matches by just marking the greens by themselves. Together with sport experts from the neighbourhood we reflect the rich sport history of the area and discuss why the Tempelhofer Feld should stay open for all citizens of Berlin
9 pm Fan-Anthems Karaoke
From “YOU NEVER WALK ALONE” to “MAJOR TOM”: together we belt out the most famous fan-anthems in a duet with the frogs and other voices in the rainwater retention basin
During the day you can tell and share your most favourite or embarrassing fan-stories, that can be heard in the Floating Fan-Radio on site
19.00 Uhr
Ein Theater der Landschaften
Auf der Bühne steht seit Jahrhunderten der Mensch. Dabei gibt es doch auch Nachtigallen, Krause Glucken, Würmer, Erdbrocken, Wiesen, Wiesente, Gletscher, Berge, Chevalsky-Pferde. Wäre es da nicht für den Menschen an der Zeit dem Publikum den Rücken zu kehren? Ein Gespräch über Theater, Tiere, Landschaften und offene Bühnen.
Mit Maximilian Grünewald, Schauspieler und Theatermacher.
Fragen stellt Jonas Dahm, Journalist und Wissenschaftler.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
PLANETARY CONFLUENCES: streaming riparian solidarities.
workshops, lectures and screenings
July 12th and 13th 2024, 2 – 10 pm in Floating University Berlin
How can we confront climate change based on the hopes and struggles of the most affected communities? // How can we generate planetary solidarity based on the struggles of those most affected?
In cities around the world, inhabitants of riparian zones are experimenting with novel ways of inhabiting and living with degraded landscapes, including the generation of knowledges and devices for planetary healing. Since 2022, urban collectives of artists and activists from São Paulo, Jakarta and Berlin have built a network with academic researchers in the context of the BUA Exploration project “Rescaling Global Health” and the South Designs project “Designing with the Planet”. The collaboration aims to build a sustainable infrastructure of mutual aid and mutual learning by connecting practical knowledges about devising evidencing devices and healing protocols, about exchanging practices as well as stories and narratives, about hosting, gifting and visiting.
For July 12 and 13, we are organizing a moment that brings together these collectives and the academic partner in Berlin, with activists from other European cities and everybody interested to experience those tactics by engaging in activities like water testing, storytelling, drawing and embroidering, costume making and parading, mosquitoes trapping and plant health sensing, cooking and film screening session at Floating University Berlin, organized in partnership with BUA TD Lab.
Friday 12th
Raising awareness: Dengue in Berlin
Co-organisers: the BUA Re-Health Lab: Sandra Junglen (Charité) and Uli Beisel (Freie Universität)
When the rainwater retention is filled with water, you hear them humming: mosquitoes. They are a nuisance for human visitors but for the local amphibians, birds and bats they are an important source of food . In this workshop we take a closer look at mosquitoes! We will learn how to anesthetize them and look at their colors, scales and hairstyles under the microscope – and then watch them wake up. Learn all about the mosquitoes in Berlin and which viruses they transmit, what you can do against them and get to know our research projects here and in Africa. We show mosquito traps and place them on the Floating University site for further research.
14h in English, Sporthalle + Workshop Area
15h in German, Sporthalle + Workshop Area
no registration necessary
Transdisciplinarity meets Improvisational theatre: Narratives of water
Co-organisers: Luise Grell, Aldo Spahiu, Sorka Tzschabran
Would you like to get to know improvisational theater techniques and try them out for yourself? Through this workshop, you have the chance to approach the topic of water in a playful and creative way: An expression of the global climate crisis or the commons of the future? Which narratives will you develop together with the other participants? In the workshop, you will learn about the principles of improvisational theater (with no prior knowledge needed) and how they are used in transdisciplinary research to collaboratively define fields of action and develop research projects.
workshop upon registrations:
Post-natural Creatures: Costume workshop with emerging materials
15-18h (part 1)
Co-organisers: Les Gammares (with Salve Saracura)
Les Gammares is a French collective revoicing a hidden river, Les Aygalades, in North Marseille. As a key member of Gammares Collective the artist group Made in the River (mitrcollective) continues to explore with the river, to hear its stories and make them more visible by creating river creatures that emerge from the hybrid materials made in the river environment. Mitrcollective see this co-creation with local inhabitants and the riparian environment as central to engendering radical, sustainable change; a way of altering the narrative by enriching our perception of the river system and working to restore our relationships to this post-natural environment.
For Post-Natural Creatures we invite you to create costumes, masks and ritual props as we explore the basin territory. And as we make, we exchange stories, restore and transform the materials together. The workshop will be continuing through the 2 days, and the emerging creature costumes will form a vital part of the parade on Saturday evening.workshop upon registrations:
Cooking Feijoada
16-18h: Cooking Session
18-19h: Public Buffet
Join the LebensMittelPunkte, a group of committed Berliners from Mehringplatz working together to bring the food revolution to the neighborhood !! Discover the classical Brasil (vegetarian) Feijoada recipe.
Performed Conversation: CONFLUENCES
19h30 – 21h
Part 1: Water stories from four streams, finding planetary ways of resisting and repairing damaged riparian zones.
A fluid and performative presentation and conversation will gather voices from Salve Saracura and Ground Atlas, Labtek Apung, Les Gammares and Floating University sharing stories of their context and work, and discussing strategies developed locally and globally to resist and repair watersites. Moderated by Laura Kemmer and Jamie Baxter.
Film Screening
A selection of short films from different sites, exploring riparian stories, presented by some of their authors will be screened in the dusk of the Floating site, resonating with frogs singing and birds flying around celebrating the coming of the night.
• Rema nascentes (rowing the river spring) 2021, 16:44 min
The collective struggle for São Paulo as a multispecies cosmocity in the ancestral land of Quilombo Saracura, Bixiga neighborhood.
Film by: Ж;
• Eyga (working title), 2024
9:30 min
A short film based on scientific and artistic research around the Aygalades river in the industrial areas of Northern Marseille.
Film by: Bulat Sharipov
• Confluências do Sur (Southern Confluences), 2024
15 min
Short documentary about De-Saracura/Reading the Sediments activities in São Paulo in October 2023.
Film by : Lúcio Telles
• Fluid Lagos, 2024
Ebbing, fluvial, dripping… we are all bodies of water. Our film explores what this means and looks like in Lagos, Nigeria – through a boatman, a vessel, and a passenger…
Film by: Fluid Lagos Collective (Justine Chima Unanka, Kamnelechukwu Obasi, Kenneth ‘Laboomz’ Donatus, Lateefah Mayaki, Morola Odufuwa, Nora Mandray, Peace Olatunji ‘Dopay’, Ramon Shitta, Uwana Anthony ‘Churchy’, Wami Aluko)
Featuring: Osan Kola, Tola Adu. III: The Passenger — DP: Rufus Eniola, AC: Temidayo Ogunremi, Costume Design: Isabelle Irabor.
• Wata, 2024
We journey in water, following a prayer sent from the sacred river of Osun in Nigeria, all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, via the Lagos Lagoon.
Film by: Nora Mandray. Assistant Director & Translator: Lateefah Mayaki
+ Soundscape Installation
ONGOING through the 2 days – near the Sauna
Immersive sound installation, streaming voices, words, and soundscapes from different shores and bodies of water, including a piece of the Ground Atlas featuring Carla Guagliardi.
+ Embroidery Exhibition
ONGOING through the 2 days – Urban Forest (upstairs)
Featuring embroideries from the São Paulo „Bixiga Lowlands – Rio Saracura“ by Solange Lisboa and the collectively embroidered “Herbarium of Healing Plants” by Solange Lisboa and the Bordadeiras do Viveiro-Horta Denuzia Pedreira Bastos.
+ Documentary from Labtek Apung
ONGOING through the 2 days – Urban Forest (upstairs)
IMMERSING IN MUARAGEMBONG: How Saltiness Shapes Us Humans and Our Nonhumans Kins (Kerabat Lama)
ZUSAMMENSTRÖMEN: Wassergeschichten und Strategien für eine gemeinsame Zukunft.
Workshops, Lesungen und Filmpräsentationen
12. und 13. Juli 2024, 14 – 22 Uhr in der Floating University Berlin
Wie begegnen wir dem Klimawandel mit dem Wissen und den Kämpfen der am stärksten betroffenen Gemeinschaften?
Initiiert von akademischen Forscher*innen im Rahmen des BUA Exploration-Projekts “Rescaling Global Health” und des South Designs-Projekts “Designing with the Planet” haben Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen aus São Paulo, Jakarta und Berlin ein Netzwerk aufgebaut, um eine nachhaltige Infrastruktur gegenseitigen Unterstützens und Lernens aufzubauen. Im Austauschen von “Mitbringseln” zirkulieren Geschichten über das urbane Leben am und mit Wasser. Diese erzählen von praktischem Wissen und nähren so politische Strategien, um Wasser-Ressourcen für Stadtbewohner*innen zugänglich zu machen und nachhaltig zu schützen.
Am 12. und 13. Juli 2024 kommen diese Kollektive mit Partner*innen aus Berlin und Marseille in der Floating University Berlin zu einem transdisziplinären Austausch zusammen und laden interessierte Besucher*innen ein, in unterschiedlichen Formaten Teil des Wissenstransfers zu werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem TD-Lab der Berlin University Alliance bieten die Aktivist*innen und Künstler*innen Workshops zu Citizen-science Methoden an, teilen künstlerische Archiv-Praktiken und poetische Briefe an den Fluss. In Filmvorführungen und performativen Lectures können die Besucher*innen Hintergründe zu den politischen Kämpfen der Aktivist*innen im South Design Netzwerk erfahren.
PLANETARY CONFLUENCES: streaming riparian solidarities.
workshops, lectures and screenings
July 12th and 13th 2024, 2 – 10 pm in Floating University Berlin
How can we confront climate change based on the hopes and struggles of the most affected communities? // How can we generate planetary solidarity based on the struggles of those most affected?
In cities around the world, inhabitants of riparian zones are experimenting with novel ways of inhabiting and living with degraded landscapes, including the generation of knowledges and devices for planetary healing. Since 2022, urban collectives of artists and activists from São Paulo, Jakarta and Berlin have built a network with academic researchers in the context of the BUA Exploration project “Rescaling Global Health” and the South Designs project “Designing with the Planet”. The collaboration aims to build a sustainable infrastructure of mutual aid and mutual learning by connecting practical knowledges about devising evidencing devices and healing protocols, about exchanging practices as well as stories and narratives, about hosting, gifting and visiting.
For July 12 and 13, we are organizing a moment that brings together these collectives and the academic partner in Berlin, with activists from other European cities and everybody interested to experience those tactics by engaging in activities like water testing, storytelling, drawing and embroidering, costume making and parading, mosquitoes trapping and plant health sensing, cooking and film screening session at Floating University Berlin, organized in partnership with BUA TD Lab.
Saturday 13th
Subterranean Encounters: Solidarity and health in the root network
Co-organisers: Jamie Baxter, Richard Pauwels, Anna Romeo
The subterranean confluence of plant and fungal roots, known as the mycorrhizosphere, contains diverse forms of life that interact in a multitude of ways. These interactions can be mutualistic, where both species support each other’s cohabitation, or parasitic, where the host species’ health may be compromised, leading to disease or death.
In this workshop, we will take a closer look at these relations. We will learn simple techniques to prepare fungi from roots on site and look at them under the microscope. Through this lens, we will see when fungi and plants support each other’s health and when others can become a threat to plant and tree health and survival. We will discuss how these relations are affected by climate change and think about how human health is entangled in this knotty confluence. We record our observations in drawings and simple sculptures and put them together to form a joint network map as a way of getting to know subterranean life in other ways. Finally, we will end by reflecting on the ethical and political challenges of cohabiting and navigating health relations with forms of life we only indirectly encounter.
workshop upon registrations:
Collective healing through threads practices
Co-organisers: Designing with the Planet team
This hands on embroidery workshop is a continuation of an activity held already with the group formed by the Designing with the Planet group. A piece of cloth, naturally dyed and embroidered at Floating in early 2023 was taken to Sao Paulo where it was continued by local hands, and will return once more to the site.
In threads practices, like quilting or embroidery, lies a potential for coming as a community and sharing stories while keeping your hands busy. In the textiles will be interwoven and assembled intimate and collective stories, entities and wishes based on the exchanges from the past two days.
Riverain Creatures: Costume workshop with riparian materials
15-18h (part 2)
Co-organisers: Les Gammares (with Salve Saracura)
For this Riverain Creature Workshop we invite you to help us create several creaturely elements, creature masks and ritual hybrid materials as we discover the basin territory.
Using found material from Floating terrain and its watery environs we offer another way to restore and transform the materials together. See the element of water and ground mingling together to create new post-natural material, that tell of a new unseen vitality that guides, animates and repairs. These creature elements will form a vital part of the parade on Saturday evening, intermingling with costumes, masks and ritual from other riparian sites (Sao Paulo, Jakarta, London).
workshop upon registrations:
Cooking Gado Gado
16-18h : Cooking Session
18-19h: Public Buffet
Join the LebensMittelPunkte, a group of committed Berliners from Mehringplatz working together to bring the food revolution to the neighborhood !! Discover the classical Indonesian dish : Gagdo gado !
Ritual, Parade and Performances:
Part 2: Free the waters !
From storytelling to action, an open and participative format to explore riparian struggles and to elaborate messages of planetary solidarities.
Collective and plurilingual voicing of the waters: performative reading of letters to the rivers, exhibition, rituals and grand parade.
Join us for this final multimedia and interactive political performance to advocate for the rivers and waters as well as all the beings and spirits depending on them to exist.
We present a ritual-performance by Ground Atlas, letters from Mar Menor (Lorenzo Sandoval), from La Loire (Camille de Toledo) from students from the
«Planetary correspondence» studio (TU,Anna Romeo), from The Reeder #1 & #2 (Floating University by David Morsi and Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux), accompanied by creatures by MITRcollective and the multimedia performance by Lúcio Teles: «Confluence of the center: South no more».
+ Soundscape Installation
ONGOING through the 2 days – near the Sauna
Immersive sound installation, streaming voices, words, and soundscapes from different shores and bodies of water, including a piece of the Ground Atlas featuring Carla Guagliardi.
+ Embroidery Exhibition
ONGOING through the 2 days
Featuring embroideries from the São Paulo „Bixiga Lowlands – Rio Saracura“ by Solange Lisboa and the collectively embroidered “Herbarium of Healing Plants” by Solange Lisboa and the Bordadeiras do Viveiro-Horta Denuzia Pedreira Bastos.
+ Documentary from Labtek Apung
ONGOING through the 2 days – Urban Forest (upstairs)
IMMERSING IN MUARAGEMBONG: How Saltiness Shapes Us Humans and Our Nonhumans Kins (Kerabat Lama)
ZUSAMMENSTRÖMEN: Wassergeschichten und Strategien für eine gemeinsame Zukunft.
Workshops, Lesungen und Filmpräsentationen
12. und 13. Juli 2024, 14 – 22 Uhr in der Floating University Berlin
Wie begegnen wir dem Klimawandel mit dem Wissen und den Kämpfen der am stärksten betroffenen Gemeinschaften?
Initiiert von akademischen Forscher*innen im Rahmen des BUA Exploration-Projekts “Rescaling Global Health” und des South Designs-Projekts “Designing with the Planet” haben Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen aus São Paulo, Jakarta und Berlin ein Netzwerk aufgebaut, um eine nachhaltige Infrastruktur gegenseitigen Unterstützens und Lernens aufzubauen. Im Austauschen von “Mitbringseln” zirkulieren Geschichten über das urbane Leben am und mit Wasser. Diese erzählen von praktischem Wissen und nähren so politische Strategien, um Wasser-Ressourcen für Stadtbewohner*innen zugänglich zu machen und nachhaltig zu schützen.
Am 12. und 13. Juli 2024 kommen diese Kollektive mit Partner*innen aus Berlin und Marseille in der Floating University Berlin zu einem transdisziplinären Austausch zusammen und laden interessierte Besucher*innen ein, in unterschiedlichen Formaten Teil des Wissenstransfers zu werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem TD-Lab der Berlin University Alliance bieten die Aktivist*innen und Künstler*innen Workshops zu Citizen-science Methoden an, teilen künstlerische Archiv-Praktiken und poetische Briefe an den Fluss. In Filmvorführungen und performativen Lectures können die Besucher*innen Hintergründe zu den politischen Kämpfen der Aktivist*innen im South Design Netzwerk erfahren.
More info and detailed program here oder hier
Space for Practice: a regular movement practice at Floating
every MONDAY between May 6th and July 15th
Space for practice is a regular movement practice within the irregular conditions of the rainwaterdetention basin of Floating. This years edition is convened and facilitated in changing constellations by Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau and Sabine Zahn. We start on time and thus hold the space together. You don´t need to register. It is free of charge. It takes curiosity and commitment to work things out, but you don´t need professional movement knowledge. See you! (In English and German)
Jeden MONTAG, 6. MAI BIS 15. JULI,
von 9.00 bis 11.00 morgens.
SfP ist eine regelmäßige Bewegungspraxis in den unregelmäßigen Bedingungen des Regenwasserrückhaltebeckens der Floating. DIeses Jahr leiten und moderieren wir im Trio; Lea Martini, Ghyslaine Gau und Sabine Zahn. Wir beginnen pünktlich und halten den Raum zusammen. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung. Ihr braucht Neugier, um mit uns Praktiken zu erkunden, aber keine professionellen Bewegungskenntnisse. Wir freuen uns! (englisch mit deutsch)
Moderated and facilitated by Lea Martini, Sabine Zahn, Ghyslaine Gau, graphic recording Sophia Tabadatze.
Space for practice is possible through the Basisförderung of the Senat of Berlin and forms part of the wider activities of The Choreographic Milieu.
We warmly invite you to join the ‘SWAMPOSIUM’ this years Learnscapes Symposium on July 17 2024 at Floating. We would like to use the opportunity of coming together once again to collectively shape next year’s Learnscapes Programme at Floating and think further about a Learnscapes community of practice.
The Learnscapes Symposium: SWAMPOSIUM invites past, present and future participants of the Learnscapes Programme for a days of exchange, presentations, talks and get-togethers – an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the floating landscapes of knowledge production and practices of un-, co- and re- learning beyond academia.
This season we aim to reflect practices of un-, re- and co-learning through the notion of becoming the swamp – questioning established planning processes, breaking out of institutional borders and entrenched learning methods, developing new ways of practice-based knowledge production, envisioning alternative futures and narratives and exploring spatial transformations of the basin and beyond.
14 – 17h
presentation of student works
(with TU Berlin, University of the Arts Berlin, Berlin International University of Applied Sciences, Braunschweig School of Arts, TH Nürnberg, kunsthochschule weissensee, kontaminiert werden, and more)
17 – 18h
presentation and exchange with Urban Rooms Network
18 – 21h
swampy discursive dinner
Save the date!
This will be the day to show your love and support for Floating University and Floating e.V!
More info soon.
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm Floating is open!
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm Floating is open!
From 19.08. to 01.09. Floating is on summer break. The site will stay closed.
On Thursday 29 August – Our association member Roman Karrer will be hosting the release of his research publication/zine “publishing anecdotes”, which marks the end of his residency at ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz).
The zine gathers anecdotes from the following publishing practitioners:
Björn Giesecke – Designer, initiator of [imagine: a bookshop], Berlin (DE)
Books People Places – Peter Schmidt, space for publishing projects, Berlin (DE)
Edition Zweifel – Simon Wahlers, graphic designer and publisher, Hamburg (DE)
Jungle Books – Publisher, Samuel Bänziger, Rosario Florio, Olivier Hug and Larissa Kasper, St. Gallen (CH)
Macaco press – Publisher, Sabrina Fernández Casas, Patricio Gil Flood, Geneva (CH)
Mio Kojima – Designer, researcher, educator and co-director of Futuress, Berlin (DE)
Paul Soulellis – Artist, educator, writer, activist, publisher and founder of Queer.Archive.Work, Rhode Island (US)
Pseudopress – Lauria Joan, bookbindery, publishing studio, vanity project, Berlin (DE)
Robida (Vida Rucli) – Magazine, radio, school, community, Vida Rucli, Aljaž Škrlep, Janja Šušnjar, Elena Rucli, Dora Ciccone, Laura Savina, Topolò (IT)
Roland Früh – Librarian, art historian, Zurich (CH)
Sans Soleil – Publisher, Eléa Rochat, Léa Gallon, Julien Guazzini, Vincent Chanson, Pablo Arnaud, Camilla Brenni, Marseille-Paris-Geneva (FR/CH)
Set Margins’ – Freek Lomme, Publisher, Eindhoven (NL)
Wirklichkeit Books – Jonas von Lenthe, Publisher, Berlin (DE)
19.00 – 21.00
Urban Commons Handbook: a conversation on commoning processes
On Thursday 29th August, Melissa Harrison and Ana Méndez de Andés will present the Urban Commons Handbook as a framework to facilitate a conversation about the commoning processes taking place in the city. They will be joined by Alkistis Thomidou and Berta Gutiérrez Casaos, co-founders of forty five degrees and co-editors of Radical Rituals.
The Urban Commons Handbook culminated from a collective learning process: it presents a compilation of definitions, experiences and references around key questions that arise when thinking about commoning the city beyond accumulation, extraction and enclosure of material and immaterial social re/production. The handbook is an invitation to reflect on the potential elements for activating the urban commons as tools for reinventing, sustaining and reproducing our lives, along seven strands: ecologies that contribute to social and planetary repair; economies based on sharing and collaboration that resist enclosure; infrastructures as the creation of possibilities and consistencies; knowledge co-produced through situated processes of mutual learning; socialities as the capacity to assemble as cooperative communities; localities cultivating situated ways of being, thinking and acting across places and cultures; and governance as the institution of attachment and autonomy needed to produce and re-produce commoning practices.
This process was curated by members of the Urban Commons Research Collective Emre Akbil, Alex Axinte, Esra Can, Beatrice De Carli, Melissa Harrison, Ana Méndez de Andés, Katharina Moebus, Thomas Moore and Doina Petrescu. The handbook is published under a Creative Commons licence by dpr-barcelona, and can be downloaded at:
7-9 pm
This Thursday we will heat up the oven and make some pizza, featuring local herbs and flowers. Join us for a sunset-drink at Floating!
For the September sessions we are proposing a new format for Space for Practice.
September 9th is the Celebration day!!! We are practicing a whole day from 10 to 6pm.COME!
Facilitated by Ghyslaine, Lea, Sophia and Sabine we will practice movements, dances, periferies, foods, chattings, napping and more.
You can come any time, but to participate in practices, come when they start!
These are the starting times:
10 -12 movements and environments#1,
12-14 cooking, chatting, eating, dishwashing,
14.00 -15.30 movements and environments#2,
16.30 -17.00 movements and environments#3
And as always, S4P will take place in all weather and other irregular local conditions. See you there!
Für die Sitzungen im September gibts eien Spezialausgabe von Space for Practice! Der 9. September ist der Celebration day mit verschiedenen Sessions von 10 -18.00 geleitet von Ghyslaine, Lea, Sophia und Sabine.
Ihr könnt jederzeit kommen, aber um an den Sessions teilzunehmen, müsst ihr da sein wenn sie starten, also pünktlich;
10 -12 Bewegungen und Umgebungen#1,
12-14 Kochen, Plaudern, Essen, Geschirrspülen,
14.00 -15.30 Bewegungen und Umgebungen#2,
16.30 -17.00 Bewegungen und Umgebungen#3
Wie immer bei jedem Wetter und anderen unregelmäßigen örtlichen Bedingungen.
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm Floating is open!
Für die September Sessions von Space for practice gibt es eine Specialausgabe: Jeden Montag wird es eine schriftliche Einladung vor Ort geben, die von allen, die 9.00 da sind, gemeinsam aktiviert werden kann. Das Tor ist wie immer 9.00 offen und schliesst 11.00. Alle die kommen werden wie immer gebeten, pünktlich da zu sein, denn die Scores funktionieren nur als gemeinsamer Raum. Dieser wird sich wie immer entwicklen, aus der Art und Weise wie alle Anwesenden ihn aktivieren. Und wie immer findet S4P bei jedem Wetter und allen irregulären örtlichen Bedingungen statt.
For the September sessions we are proposing a new format for space for practice. Every Monday (except celebration day on sept 9th) there will be a written invitation on site, which can be activated together by everyone who is there at 9 am. As always, the gate will be open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 11.00 a.m. As always, everyone who comes, is asked to arrive on time – as the scores only work as a joint activity.
S4P is an ongoing series of movement practices to approach the place, possibilities of movement and space. It will evolve from the way all those present want to activate it. And as always, S4P will take place in all weather and other irregular local conditions.
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm Floating is open!
Für die September Sessions von Space for practice gibt es eine Specialausgabe: Jeden Montag wird es eine schriftliche Einladung vor Ort geben, die von allen, die 9.00 da sind, gemeinsam aktiviert werden kann. Das Tor ist wie immer 9.00 offen und schliesst 11.00. Alle die kommen werden wie immer gebeten, pünktlich da zu sein, denn die Scores funktionieren nur als gemeinsamer Raum. Dieser wird sich wie immer entwicklen, aus der Art und Weise wie alle Anwesenden ihn aktivieren. Und wie immer findet S4P bei jedem Wetter und allen irregulären örtlichen Bedingungen statt.
For the September sessions we are proposing a new format for space for practice. Every Monday (except celebration day on sept 9th) there will be a written invitation on site, which can be activated together by everyone who is there at 9 am. As always, the gate will be open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 11.00 a.m. As always, everyone who comes, is asked to arrive on time – as the scores only work as a joint activity.
S4P is an ongoing series of movement practices to approach the place, possibilities of movement and space. It will evolve from the way all those present want to activate it. And as always, S4P will take place in all weather and other irregular local conditions.
Every Thursday from 6 to 9pm Floating is open!
Für die September Sessions von Space for practice gibt es eine Specialausgabe: Jeden Montag wird es eine schriftliche Einladung vor Ort geben, die von allen, die 9.00 da sind, gemeinsam aktiviert werden kann. Das Tor ist wie immer 9.00 offen und schliesst 11.00. Alle die kommen werden wie immer gebeten, pünktlich da zu sein, denn die Scores funktionieren nur als gemeinsamer Raum. Dieser wird sich wie immer entwicklen, aus der Art und Weise wie alle Anwesenden ihn aktivieren. Und wie immer findet S4P bei jedem Wetter und allen irregulären örtlichen Bedingungen statt.
For the September sessions we are proposing a new format for space for practice. Every Monday (except celebration day on sept 9th) there will be a written invitation on site, which can be activated together by everyone who is there at 9 am. As always, the gate will be open at 9.00 a.m. and close at 11.00 a.m. As always, everyone who comes, is asked to arrive on time – as the scores only work as a joint activity.
S4P is an ongoing series of movement practices to approach the place, possibilities of movement and space. It will evolve from the way all those present want to activate it. And as always, S4P will take place in all weather and other irregular local conditions.
4.30 – 10 pm
Organizer: TD-Lab, the laboratory for transdisciplinary research of the Berlin University Alliance
Streaming Together: cooperation, knowledge and research agendas on water in Berlin
5 pm Guided tour of the Floating University site
5.45 pm Talk on relevant fields of cooperation between science and practice in the face of climate change with
– Dr. Tobias Otte, Scientific Coordinator, Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water under Change (CliWac)
– Teresa Huppertz and Ute Lindenbeck, Floating e.V.
7 pm Get together and get to know Gistable, the AI-powered platform for converting scientific articles into accessible texts and audios.