Water Earth Biodiversity
Water Earth Biodiversity (WEB) is a public analysing & designing process with association members and neighbours to increase biodiversity in and around the rainwater retention basin.

soil analysis

water analysis

images and visions soil

images and visions water
Friday 19 November 15:00 – 17:00: Presentation of Soil Analysis Results
As Floating WEB ends in November we present the new Open Soil Lab, our first Life-in-Earth-Movie and the results of the water, mud & soil contaminations on site. From now on we are able to create an own picture of how we want the basin to be developed or “renaturalized” and what we are able to contribute. To apply continuous soil & compost (infra)structures at Floating we discuss on how to make time for soil & compost in the future and our vision of a compost temple as part of the Floating Architecture.
Friday 5 November 16:00 – 19:00: Presentation of Design + Presentation of Water Test Results
The Presentation of the Design + Presentation of Water Test Results event is a mixture of participants from the previous design planning meeting and the water testing workshop. At this event, we will learn about the water analysis results of the Rainwater Basin – which occurred at the workshop and also during the whole month of October – and what it means. Stefan Bruns, Nina Röttger and Katherine Ball present a draft of the ecological restoration design for the rainwater basin…that hopefully, potentially, could become reality in the future.
Wednesday 3 November 14:00 – 16:00: Compost Temple Design Workshop
Association members and artists meet to discuss the future design of the Compost Temple. It will be a new building, the architecture will be designed by Jeanne Astrup-Chauvaux and SpätiSpäti collective. It will be socially embeded and visible. The compost collection / process will be part of the building designed by Martina Kolarek.
Monday 25 October 15:00 – 18:00: Design Planning Meeting
The Design Planning Meeting brings together a focused group of association members and people who are deeply engaged with Floating. Together, we think, dream and discuss about a future redesign of the rainwater basin. How could the water quality improve so the habitat becomes more beneficial for the species who live in and visit the rainwater basin? Guest environmental engineers Nina Röttgen and Stefan Bruns are there to brainstorm with us. This is part of the Floating WEB program, which seeks to create an ecological restoration design for the rainwater basin. Stefan and Nina specializes in lake restoration and natural swimming pools and iwork for Polyplan Kreikenbaum (www.polyplan-kreikenbaum.eu).
Saturday 23 October 12:00-15:00: Water Testing Workshop
Everyone asks on the Floating Campus how polluted the water is. The Water Testing Workshop has invited people who are generally interested in urban water and the Floating University. Together we test the water in the rainwater basin. We use handheld sensors that give instant results, and we fill water bottles according to precise specifications, which are taken to a lab for analysis. The parameters we test include: Temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, E. Coli bacteria, Enterococcus bacteria, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, phytoplankton and zooplankton bioindicators. Our guest water tester is Nina Röttgers from Polyplan Kreikenbaum. The workshop is led by floating water artist Katherine Ball.
Saturday 25 September 13:00 – 16:00 Isee I see what you don’t
For this workshop we had a look on the different soils you can find in and around the retention basin: forest soil, mud and compost soil. We figured out the most activity you can find in the soil we developd with the help of our compost system, in the forest soil and mud there you can find only a little number of animals. We talked about what these animals are doing and why it is important to have a big number of them.
Saturday 4 September 12:00 – 17:00 New soil for the land
Hotcompost-Workshop with neighbours and gardeners in Nachbarschaftsgarten Kolonie am Flughafen
Saturday 2 July 16:00 – 18:00 Compost talks! How to organize compost collection on Floating site
This internal association exchange is about organizing future compost collection with the aim of producing high quality compost for garden use. We agree that all organic kitchen waste should be used. For this it is important that all association members and organizers who use the kitchen, organize the food donations or are active in the garden group are familiar with compost use. Only shredded fruits and vegetables should go into the collection and be mixed with dry materials and soil so that everything is well aerated. Here is the info poster for kitchen and garden storage.
Tuesday 8 June 16:00 – 18:00 Kick-Off Soil analysis
For the kick-off of our new project Floating WEB – Water, Earth, Biodiversity – we’ve invited association members and gardeners from Kolonie am Flughafen to tell us their interests and concern in soil analysis. Since we have are funded by German postcode lottery for further analysis, we can now decide for ourselves what we want to know in more detail or beyond. What do we want to know about the pollutants and why is this necessary for us? We collect our topics and Martina Kolarek will have them in mind when deciding on the selection of the soil analysis.