Spatial Experiments 2022
Living together in solidarity in the urban transformation process
A search for cross-species modes of expression in the rainwater retention basin of Tempelhofer Feld
This year, as part of our spatial experiments, we set out in search of impulses and humus for the solidary coexistence of species in the growing city of tomorrow. Algae, fungi, humans, hawks and reeds have coexisted in the basin – non-human and human creatures. The growing city of the future needs places for non-human and human creatures in solidary relationships far from the existing protocol of commodification for green spaces in the city. Cross-species, diverse spontaneous urban space in coexistence with the built environment is needed, which can be an invitation for diverse species to negotiate and establish existing and new habitats. The three-phase project Year of Spatial Experiments is a search for solidary forms of coexistence between human and non-human actors in a changing city facing complex challenges for the future.
Observation laboratory for other life forms
In the first phase, the stormwater retention basin became a field laboratory for an interdisci- plinary research approach. Existing and new forms of life/actors are discovered, observed, their interconnec- tions, interde- pendencies and syntheses are scrutinised.

Observation Laboratory for other lifeforms
Careful transformation
Building on the observation and analysis phase, we dedicated ourselves to the search for collaborative modes of expression in hands-on workshops and expert mentoring days. The process goal was the development of human and non-human neighbourhoods, in the tension between native and migrating species. We took care of the maintenance of discovered coexistences, facilitated the transformation of existing structures for inclusive coexistence or, for example, made the decision to give space, not to intervene.

Rewildering Transformation

Radical Care One

Rewildering Architecture

Hydro Feminist Transformation

Nesting Spaces

Radical Care two
Living Archive
This phase is and was about reflecting and archiving the collected artefacts and stories. The process goal was the development of human and non-human neighbourhoods. We took care of the maintenan- ce of discovered coexistences, facilitated the transformation of existing structures for inclusive coexis- tence or, for example, made the decision to give space, not to intervene. We had to make the experience that the way we see the bassin and what care and multiplication of possible biodiversity could mean for the species is not supported by the current public maintenance company.

Living Archiving Workshop
The floating compostation is a place where decay and renewal, the elementary processes of soil creation, are manifested into a common and joyful action and structure.

Die Compostation wurde von der Deutschen Postcode Lotterie gefördert.