Free Radicals 2024

16th-29th September 2024

Open Call for Free Radicals 2024

Three years after the first edition, we are pleased to announce another Open Call for Free Radicals! 


This Open Call is especially directed towards teacher-less, self-organised student groups, willing to follow their own interests and ready to research outside the walls of their institution in the Fall 2024. The groups should implement interdisciplinary practices or research, and engage with pressing matters of our times: notions of ecologies, solidarity, political and social engagement as well as care for ourselves and our surroundings. 


Selected groups will have access to Floating University‘s site as a place to freely meet, organise, and invent new formats of (un-,re- and co-)learning, while being freed from the rules and hierarchies of conventional learning environments, academic contexts and institutional bureaucracy. Please note that although no monetary funds are provided, the site offers a unique and diverse space for collaboration and a great opportunity to implement your research and most imaginative projects. 


Project Timeframe: September 16-29, 2024, with potential flexibility.


You can find all information about the Open Call and the application procedure here.

Applications should be submitted via the application form until August 1st. 2024 – 23:59. 


For all inquiries regarding the application procedure or the programm, contact learnscapes[at] .