A Soft Guide to the Floating Trees
This Audiowalk starts at the sign at the dock of the Floating University.
Please bring your own headphones to listen to it.
With high water levels it is advised to wear rubber boots.
(english version)
(german version)
Can we see the Trees for the Trees? In Berlin, the City Trees are often regarded as bystanders: silent passersby in our daily lives. Planted for different reasons and embedded in strong bureaucratic and historic structures, they make up a large part of our urban surroundings and our wellbeing.
And the Floating Trees? In terms of urban nature, they are some-what anarchistic: growing as if they are squatting in the former rainwater basin. They have developed slowly over time, growing as they wish and upon their own terms, creating a cosmopolitan site that is constantly in flux.
In this audio-walk, we will take a closer look at the Tree ring – a reversed island around the body of water which is usually both the literal and figural center of attention. Let’s take a moment to notice them and be properly introduced.
Towards the end of the walk we’ll have to climb a bit. If this isn’t an option for you, please still feel invited to turn around or to listen from another location on site.